Terry Pratchett's The Hogfather (2006)

Part 3 of the Holiday Theme Time - Christmas
In today's episode, Andrew Picks Terry Pratchett’s The Hogfather to celebrate the Hogswatch…er um…I mean the Christmas Season! Join hosts Andrew, Rob, Eric, and Mike as they dive deep into the 2006 British TV Miniseries Terry Pratchett’s the Hogfather. The story follows Death, the Grim Reaper, and his granddaughter Susan as they attempt to save Hogswatch, a Discworld version of Christmas. Susan tries to take down some assassins And Death takes on the role of the Hogfather, delivering gifts to all of the children. Explore potential recastings, what the heck all those wizards were about, and enjoy a heartwarming story of Christmas with Death and Monsters—all sprinkled with humor and candid critiques. Plus, discover how The Hog Father measures up in the holiday spirit competition with Rob’s Halloween Pick the Old Dark House, and Eric’s Thanksgiving Pick St. Elmos Fire! Tune in for lively debates, a trip into Terry Pratchett’s Discwolrd during the Hogswatch season, and a few laughs along the way!
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